I swear I actually had something to write about today, but then fate and my child intervened.
“Child?” you say. “Patti, you don’t have any children.” To which I say, “Pshaw, I have 12 children.”
No, but seriously, we have a lot of pets and, since we’ve decided not to have human babies* that means that our fur babies get treated pretty well. Anyway, Saturday night I noticed that Ted (our youngest cat) had something going on with his lip – it was a little pink. I thought to myself, “I should keep an eye on that.”
By the time I woke up Sunday morning his lip was noticeably swollen, and soon I was Googling “cat with swollen lip” a nice change from “kitten has bumps on his hind legs” and “cat has bumps in a line down his leg.” Oddly enough, “cat with swollen lip” took me to a website that mentioned cats with linear bumps on their legs.** Once I had convinced myself that it wasn’t worth rushing to the emergency vet, I settled back into being a couch bound sicko, but that meant that this morning was crazy-busy with a conference call at 8am (held standing in my kitchen as I juggled post-it notes with to-do items for when I arrived at work), a harried phone call to my doctor to ensure that my own appointment was actually on Wednesday (as it said in my work calendar) and not today at the same time as Ted’s newly scheduled vet appointment (as it said in my planner).***
Ultimately, the Google-Fu is strong with this one, and our (amazing) vet agreed with my “just enough knowledge to be dangerous” diagnosis. He gave Ted a shot of steroids, told us to keep him on the hypo-allergenic food, and sent us on our way. So, lucky me, I was not very late to work and got to spend the rest of my day checking things off my sticky note to-do list.
What do you get out of this? You get this slap-dash update and some cat pictures. You are incredibly lucky.
Alex would like you to know that she tried to show Ted how to hide, but that he’s not very clever.
*Please, spare me the lecture. I know, trust me I’ve heard it – that we might change our minds. Honestly, I went through a phase where I wanted kids, I just managed to make it to the other side without them. If you really want to push this issue be ready for me to push back.
**Really, Google? Really? Eff you, EFF YOU. Hundreds of dollars later.
***I don’t even know; I can’t begin to guess.